If you'd clicked on any of the links on this page in the last ten years and got anywhere, then that would be a surprise. Things change a bit so here's a new and updated set of links to find out about The Hash.


The UK Hash House Harriers home page
(now in the capable hands of Dishy Goolies)

Have a look at Flying Booger's Half Mind Catalogue
(not just because we won 'Cool Hash Page of the Month' a while back!)
Cool Page of the Month
Good dog!

Read the Adventures of Hash Boy and Foamy
(Thanks, Whack!)

And, Go To The Hash -
a great resource to finding that hash event
you always wanted to go to




There are other hashes in our area* and below are the names of the guys
to contact, but as hashes have AGM's and stuff (well. some of them do!)
and details change, the best thing is to just do a Google search
or put their name on facebook - we're all there these days.
(*which is - south and east England)

Cambridge : Dave El Rave (visit their website)

Enfield : Lunchbox (EH3 website)

Essex : Windsock (The Essex website)

Herts : Fliptop (Herts website)

London : Tablewhine (their website)

M.A.S.H. - Jailbird (their website)

Mersea Island : Caroline Sexton 01206 384 153


Thanks to Mr Loader for getting me started on this website stuff.
Without him it never would have seen the light.

Rowan, you are the man!

Thanks to you for visiting our site. If you have got any comments,
we'd love to hear from you. Give me a call on 07966 868911,
or send an e-mail.

On - On!

and finally, before you go,
I have a question . . .

How would,
you like,
my finger in your ear?

F.U.K.F.M.H.3's page is a member of the
Hash House Harriers Web Ring

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